Sidewall compaction is a common issue that is faced by farmers and is a major reason for poor yield.  Sometimes, the unfit conditions of the soil such as too wet (possibly muddy soil conditions) may cause harm to the emergence of the seed when planted. The opener side pressure will causes sidewall compaction and this makes the roots grow along the seed furrow trench, unable to expand out in an effort to maximize nutrient uptake. However, some agriculture equipment has been helpful in reducing the sidewall compaction such as the Germinator Closing Wheels made out of 50-grade steel and not traditional rubber or poly/plastic.

Let us discuss in detail how to reduce your risk of sidewall compaction when you are planting seeds with the help of the following.

  1. The Germinator Closing Wheels should be properly spaced, levelled and angled in order to function properly and centered straight over the seed row furrow. If they are not aligned properly over the furrow, it can affect the seed placement, seed-to-soil contact as well as the seed furrow itself.
  2. Seed closing wheels are helpful in improving the seed-to-soil contact. When you are employing standard closing wheels to eliminate the sidewall compaction, Germinator Closing Wheels may be a more helpful equipment option.
  3. Use the right type of standard closing wheel with spikes. The closing wheels with spikes such as  Germinator Closing Wheels are suitable in all soil conditions including no-till, to provide the proper closing of the seeds from both sides.
  4. It is suggested to use one spike Germinator Closing Wheel on each side of the row to break up the sidewall compaction. This will close the seed furrow properly and effectively in various soil conditions.
  5. Stagger closing wheels may reduce the chances for the seed furrow to open up when the soil starts drying. In case you are using one spiked wheel and one standard rubber wheel, then it is recommended to put the spiked Germinator closing wheels in front of the standard rubber wheel for better results.  When using 2 Germinator Closing Wheels, it is recommended that they are placed directly across from each other.
  6. Use only the “best”!: Germinator Closing wheels that are durable and made from 50 grade steel to avoid sidewall compaction. The poor quality standard or poly closing wheels will affect the farm produce adversely as there are increased risk not eliminating all sidewall compaction, poor soil to seed contact, uneven depth control and more air pockets in the seed furrow.  A quality closing wheel will provide consistent germination and emergence of the seed.

Insist on buying Germinator closing wheels manufactured by the best agriculture equipment manufacturer Farm Shop Mfg., LLC.



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